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Go Green Green with Guardian Storage
At Guardian Storage, we’ve been proactive for over a decade with a positive “green” approach. We rely on advice from our LEED accredited architect, who has a thorough understanding of green building practices and principles. We invite our customers to join us in our approach to caring for the environment. Here are just some of the ways Guardian Storage goes green: Recycling , Sustainability, Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources and Indoor Environmental Quality.

- All of our properties provide tenants with an onsite location to leave cardboard boxes. These boxes are available for use by other tenants or are recycled to reduce landfill waste.
- By partnering with Evolution E-cycle, we provide locations for our communities to drop off electronic equipment, including laptops, computers, cell phones, printers, and non-Freon containing appliances for recycling. (please note that we cannot accept any TVs or monitors.)

- We adhere to a high standard of environmental stewardship, as demonstrated by our commitment to minimizing site disturbance when developing properties close to existing residential and commercial areas.
- We’ve converted and reused five existing buildings for our Shadyside, Bloomfield, North Hills, Washington, PA and Strip District locations. By extending the life cycle of these buildings, we reduced our construction impact on the environment.
- Our secure storage units are constructed with recycled steel.

Water Efficiency
- Our properties use a water-efficient landscape design.
- Limited plumbing and low water use plumbing fixtures are installed at all of our properties
- “Dry” fire protection systems are installed at all of our properties and are designed to only disperse water to specific areas when needed for fire protection.

Energy & Atmosphere
- We offer insulated, climate controlled storage units that are isolated from the outside by non-climate controlled units to create an air curtain that further reduces energy consumption.
- Our lighting systems use either timer switches or motion sensors to turn on only when occupancy dictates, thus reducing energy consumption.
- High-efficiency fluorescent lighting is used at each property.
- Our storage buildings are constructed with white walls to naturally brighten storage spaces and hallways to minimize the use of light fixtures.
- Large, energy-saving Low-E windows are used in all Guardian Storage offices. Low-E windows use a thin coating between two glass panes to greatly reduce heat transfer through the glass.

Materials & Resources
- All of our computers are EnergyStar® rated.
- We have reduced paper consumption by upgrading to a centralized server and increasing the use of electronic information.
- Many of our properties are built with a highly reflective roof that reduces heat island effect – an increase in temperature in metropolitan areas with high levels of human activity.
- We also work to reduce our carbon footprint by partnering with many local companies throughout our communities to reduce shipping and transportation distances.

Indoor Environmental Quality
- Guardian Storage incorporates thermal comfort point into our design. The temperature controlled environment of our leasing office, business centers and climate controlled storage spaces increase comfort.
- Increased outdoor ventilation improves indoor air quality and tenant comfort.
- Our storage buildings are designed to incorporate access to daylight and views that have been found to be an important element of human well being, supporting mental health, productivity, and a connection to nature.